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Eggs for tea

Madonna’s tears

Crimson Sunset

All is not well in fairyland

All is not well in fairyland 2
Online Gallery of Affordable Art
A very warm welcome to my online gallery for my
replica breitling
works of affordable art. You will find my gallery has a very eclectic feel as I love to paint, the subject depends on my mood, the weather, inspiration from a photo or news item, or the brief I’m given…. I particularly enjoy painting clouds, here in Norfolk we are lucky to have wide, ever changing skies. I’m never at a loss for a subject and hope you enjoy looking at my work as much as I enjoy creating it.
My work is varied in media, from acrylics, watercolour, pastels, and encaustic art, and styles vary from contemporary and abstract art, to traditional sunset paintings, landscapes and more, along with prints and hand made original encaustic wax cards. Much of my work is available to buy online here, just click the buy or add to basket buttons on the image pages.
If you see a piece that inspires you, but would like a different colour, size or style, please contact me- I’m happy to work on something similar yet retain individuality. For commissions, once we have discussed your requirements I’ll email images as we progress and only when you are satisfied do we arrange final payment and delivery. I’m more than happy to discuss any art sales via email should you prefer to buy offline.
feb 2012
well, lovely email from the buyers of all is not well in fairyland 2 to say the painting arrived safley (always a worry about damage especially when sending so far) and they love it and were looking for the best place to display it. I’ve also been accepted as a book reviewer for Darkiss reads – another love besides painting is books and especailly those for my much loved kindle! you can find my reveiws and those of others here at – its a great site for book lovers and Darkiss encourages truly honest reviews which I’m happy to do – integrity is important to me, and reviews that just say something is wonderful don’t do authors, artist or buyers any favours08/02/2012 11:16:59, jeannie
jan 2012
well, good start to the new year with a sale of “all is not well in fairyland 2” to Greece. I’d planned on doing more of these alternative fairytale paintings but have had energy problems due to health issues, but a sale perks up the enthusiasm and i’ve always lots of ideas floating so time to put some onto canvas i think.15/01/2012 17:22:45, jeannie
nov 2011
My painting and thus news has been a bit sporadic over the last 18 months due to illness. This autumn I’ve done a couple of sunsets in oils that are waiting to dry and be uploaded though. I’ve loads of ideas running through my mind at the moment but sadly just not the energy to carry them through. I’m tempted by the fabulous autumn colours we’ve had this year and though i’ve been unable to paint my trusty camera has taken loads of images that wait on pc for a future date. I still do book reviews for search press arts which can be found under the review pages of my forum, and they often spark ideas too.11/11/2011 10:41:51, jeannie
Still Life
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Eggs for tea

All is not well in fairyland

All is not well in fairyland 2

Crimson Sunset

Madonna’s tears