Still Life

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Eggs for tea

Madonna’s tears

Crimson Sunset

All is not well in fairyland

All is not well in fairyland 2

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A pot of pansies

A lovelt terracotta bowl full of pansies and violias, casting shadowns in the midday sun against the old brick wall and the paving tiles

Original: £130

A simple repast

Simple still life of a favourite supper, wine, cheese and grapes. Vibrant contemporary oil pastel on canvas, ready to hang.

Original: £100


Contemporary study of a jerusalem artichoke head. Mainly shades of green through to pale yellow, with the centre leaves tipped with shades of alizarin.

Original: SOLD

Artichoke II

Contemporary watercolour study of a jerusalem artichoke. I have exaggerated the colours and shapes of the petals.

Original: SOLD

Arum lily.

In my garden pond grows a huge clump of Arums. It was a hot July day when I picked one to paint. I had problems with the leaf wilting because of the heat, and had to keep propping it up. I like the stripe in the leaf and the contrast of strong shadow against the white purity of the petal.

Original: SOLD

I gathered a collection of luscious berries from the garden. I wanted to show what a gorgeous range of colours they have.

Original: SOLD

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Eggs for tea

All is not well in fairyland

All is not well in fairyland 2

Crimson Sunset

Madonna’s tears